Best of the US Triathlon in Tempe, AZ

The goal was to HAVE FUN and that’s what I did:) The Best of the US (BOUS) Triathlon, is my favorite race and I look forward to seeing Jerry and Trudy, the race directors, every year. This was my third year attending BOUS and qualified as the female...

She Got Bike

  She got bike-     I was so impressed with the organization of the entire She Got Bike event. The day was perfect! Weather was great and all the riders were so positive. I loved attending last year but this year was even better.   I helped...

Finished IM China!

I am finally back in the States and the iron man is over! I finished in 12 hrs and 30 min and got an slot for IM Hawaii. Thank you all for your nice messages and support it really helped get me through. I loved all the messages and I thought about everything during...